To ensure a smooth and pleasurable stay, we ask that you carefully read and understand the following policies before you make a reservation. These policies were made to help ensure your safety and to help make your rental experiences fun and easy.
Cancellation Policy
The renter agrees to provide Blue Wave Rentals with 1 month / 30 days advance notice of any scheduling changes or pay for the full rental period reserved. Reservation will be valid until you receive a confirmation of the cancellation via e-mail.
Pre-Authorization Policy
Upon check-in, the total rental cost + the security deposit of $5,000 will be charged. This Any unused funds will be credited when the boat is returned at check-out, given that there are no damages to the boat.
Sunset to Sunrise Agreement
If you decide to operate the boat at night, you will forfeit the balance of your rental and your $5,000.00 security deposit and we will collect the boat.
You will be charged the full rental, fuel, oil, VAT and Service Fees.
Don't Rock / Whale Cay Agreement
If you decide to go beyond Don't Rock/ Whale Cay, the following provisions will be in effect.
I agree to pay for all services required to return the boat to Blue Wave Boat Rentals office regardless of fault.
No credit will be issued for lost time.
Blue Wave Boat Rentals will not be held responsible for any cost associated with return transportation to my rental property should the boat become inoperable and stranded.
I agree that 3rd party services may be necessary and agree to reimburse Blue Wave Boat Rentals for any services requires for the safe return of the boast and passengers.
I agree to use my credit card that I provide to Blue Wave Boat Rentals at pickup for all charges associated with this agreement.
Green Turtle Cay & Little Harbour Clients
If you have an issue with the boat while in Green Turtle Cay or Little Harbour regardless of fault, NO credit will be given for downtime.
Repairs will take longer than normal.
Service may not be readily available.
Service charges may be applied at the sole discretion of Blue Wave Rentals.
Repairs may be performed via a third party and based on the third party’s schedule.
Rental Policies
To at all times operate the boat in daylight between SUNRISE and SUNSET.
To at all times to operate the boat within the Abaco Sound between Green Turtle Cay to the north and Little Harbour to the south.
To dock, anchor, or secure the boat and equipment when not operating the boat to prevent damage to the boat, motor, equipment and/or dock, neighbouring boats, and persons.
When docking/anchoring/securing the boat and equipment ensure that it is sufficiently secured to withstand existing and/or changing weather conditions.
To pay the appropriate service charge for any service required as a result of my carelessness or neglect with respect to the boat including but not limited to towage and any other charges if I am found to have taken the boat outside of the Abaco Sound.
To be responsible for any legal costs or expenses connected with the breach of this Agreement or the collection of any debts incurred by reason of any damage to the boat or whatsoever expenses incurred during the time I have it rented.
That I am familiar with the geographical boundaries of the Abaco Sound Area.
That I have the necessary experience to safely operate the boat that I have rented and that I will forfeit my rental if Bluewave Boat Rentals Ltd. is not satisfied with my operation/knowledge of the boat that I have rented.
That boats returned late are subject to additional charges and that credit will not be given for inclement weather.
That the rental cost of the boat DOES NOT include gas or oil consumed (1 gal. of oil added for every 50 gal. of fuel for 2 strokes and oil fee for 4 strokes).
Not to water ski, tow another craft, or engage in any activity that involves pulling or towing of any person, vessel, and/or object by the boat.
If I allow more than the allowed persons to be on the boat at any one time I will pay a fine of $10,000.00 and forfeit my rental immediately.
The renter is responsible for ensuring that the location/dock where the boat will be kept is protected from existing and changing weather conditions. Blue Wave Rentals reserves the right to forfeit/cancel any rental without reimbursement if the renter is staying at a location that Blue Wave deems unsafe.
Boats are not allowed to be kept at public docks.
Boats are not allowed to be kept on a mooring.
That in the event any of the said terms and conditions are breached, I will forfeit my rental and reimburse Blue Wave Rentals for all damages/repairs that result.
No credit or refund will be given if the weather does not allow for safe transit or keeping of the rental at the agreed upon location. Blue Wave Rentals will be the sole authority on the weather.
The insurance policy covers the boat and engine only within the Abaco Sound when used in compliance with the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. Insurance does not cover any damage to the boat or motor when used outside of the Abaco Sound or on the Atlantic side of the Abaco Cays. The insurance policy does not apply to any personal injury arising from the use of any Blue Wave Rental equipment and I agree to be responsible for and to indemnify and hold harmless, Blue Wave Rentals (its principles, employees, and agents), against ALL injury of any kind which may occur to any person or property arising directly or indirectly howsoever during my rental of the said boat, engine, and other equipment. The renter is fully responsible for any damages sustained while the boat is operated by anyone under the age of 18 years old. Blue Wave Rentals hereby reserves all rights and claims to relief to recover from the renter any and all damages which is either not covered by the said insurance policy or in instances where insurance is not purchased. Renters are NOT required to purchase insurance. It is NOT mandatory. However, if the renter declines insurance, the renter may be liable for the retail fair market replacement value of the boat and engine regardless of fault. Repairs are at Blue Wave Rental's cost.
21' Dusky: $500/week ($2,000 deductible/claim)
23' Dusky, 24' Stuart, 24' Ocean Pro, & 26' Single Paramount: $750/week ($2,000 deductible/claim)
26' Twin Paramount: $900/week ($2,000 deductible/claim/engine)
Insurance is not available on the 27’ Stuart, 29' Dusky and 33’ Dusky.